
Thursday, March 17, 2011


It's official.  I am on spring break.  First of all, it was a really lovely day at school before a lovely break.  The students have been working all week to raise money for the Canadian Red Cross for Japan.  They raised over $1500.  I must say that they had the most fun with lunch time Karaoke.  They had to donate to sing.  Really hilarious!  And one of my staff challenged all the grade 6 and 7 students to raise $250 and then she, my Vice-Principal, and I would sing.  Well, of course they raised that amount of money so yes, we had to sing.  Thankfully several other teachers joined us.  And we did STOP, in the name of love.  We are all such divas!  It was great!!  Who knew the kids would like Karaoke so much?!  I am so proud of how the students all pull together for things like this and raise money for positive and helping action.

Secondly, Husband has ripped up almost all the floors on the main floor and is getting ready to install hardwood.  Nice!  I have been having lots of strange mopping floor dreams though.

Thirdly, I bought a new camera.  Way too cool.  I can get super close up shots now without getting fuzzy pictures.  Husband and I did a lovely garden tour when I got home today to try it out.

And finally, my latest finished project tried out the clothesline today.

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

1 comment:

  1. Hi - I work for the Canadian Red Cross. Thank you kindly for your support to help Japan. Please thank your students for us as well!

    I hope you will connect with us - we are on Twitter @redcrosscanada or on
    Thanks again, Karen
