
Thursday, June 23, 2011

The Farmer's Wife!

Well!  There are no excuses now, my book arrived!  And since the quilt along has already been in play for a few weeks, I have a bit of catch up to do.  I started printing off templates last evening.  It was a little frustrating because each template is on its own sheet.  What?  Kind of crazy but there sits the lone little template in the middle of a giant sheet of paper.  Once the catch up happens, the goal is about 2 blocks a week.  No problem?  No problem this summer but we will have to see what happens once the school year begins again in September!

Husband took this picture the other day.  He calls it quilt quality control in action.  There she is, Miss Senior Citizen kitty of the year.  All 15 years old of her, giving her stamp of approval of the French Roses quilt.  She is giving him quite the look!

1 comment:

  1. cats can be so.... homely true to themselves...
    quilt quality control indeed.
    you are one courageous woman in this project. looking forward!
