
Sunday, September 25, 2011

Windy, windy Sunday!

Hang on to your hats folks because we are having a wind storm.  It is the first day where the leaves are really blowing around and it is looking a lot like fall!  Husband is popping some pumpkin pudding in the oven and that has got to be a sure sign that autumn is upon us when he starts pumpkin baking!

I have to show off one of my birthday gifts.  Clever son and his lovely girlfriend were out for dinner on Friday and look what they brought for me!  Husband says they are enabling my hobbies!  You bet they are!  Clever son's lovely girlfriend found this at the crazy fabric store in downtown Vancouver, Dressew.  And if you have not been there before, it is an experience!  Here it is!  My doll dress form!!!!!! I LOVE IT!!!!

On the sewing front, I am still sorting/folding fabric from my estate sale bonanza!  Oh my word, what a lot of fabric.  I also spent a good part of the morning fussy cutting little bits and pieces of I spy fabrics for the wall quilt that I am making.  That project will be ready for Design Wall Monday tomorrow.

And my 2 month old laptop is not functioning.  I am MOST annoyed.  I am using my trusty 7 year old iBook, that has never had an issue in 7 years,  instead of my brand new, not working PC laptop that I have to have for work.


  1. Sums up exactly why we are a Mac family!! User friendly, virus free and so dependable!
    Hope things work out for you.
    Love the dressform.

  2. cute doll form! How frustrating re your laptop. Technology can be a friend or a foe!
