
Friday, November 18, 2011


Well!  It really happened.  The weather man was right (for once) and we really did get a good dump of snow.   Our farm is at a higher elevation than town so we tend to get snow even if town is just getting rain.  Husband even shoveled the driveway for the first time this winter.  He was checking on some of the drainage ditches and the creeks on the edge of the property and found significant beaver damage on many trees!!!!!  Oh my goodness those little critters are being totally naughty!!!!!

My students had a blast today making giant snow blobs by rolling snow all around the playing field.  I had to give my "no snowball throwing even at imaginary people" talk as well as my "respect other people's snow blobs" talk.  It was just lovely to see them all rolling around like happy snow puppies.

On the sewing front, I have been putting together a chair cushion for Mum in her favourite yellow and blue.  And the Vintage Sheet blog has a new caretaker and has a linky party going on for vintage sheet projects.  I am going to have to have to get organized and post some links.!

And don't forget that I have a little giveaway going on until next Thursday evening!


  1. Oh pretty! botht eh snow and the soon to be cushion. Can't imagine you being the tough principal!

  2. The snow looks beautiful, we had snow for first time in 20 years on our farm in August! Was pretty for first couple of hours-only!!! the cushion is going to look cute.
