
Sunday, March 25, 2012

On The Design Barn Wall...

My bloggy friend Jan-Maree, who lives down under and blogs at Cherry Red Quilter asked some of us to help her out with a special project.  Jan-Maree is always working away on special projects.  Whether she is making quilts for flood victims, or making quilts and laundry bags for Aussie soldiers, she is always up to something.  She asked for some pinwheel blocks in fall colours.  This was more than doable even though I am happy celebrating all things spring, I do understand that Jan-Maree is welcoming the start of Australian Autumn.  Not only that, I know that the colour choices really do make sense for this particular project.  I pinned the blocks up on the barn wall yesterday and will get these in the mail early this week.  I can't wait to see this finished!

Other than that... I quilted the beast.  This is the card tricks quilt I finished way before Christmas.  This is the quilt that really made me think I needed a new sewing machine to handle quilting such a biggy.  The quilt measures about 82" by 82" and is made from a sample stack I bought last year.  The binding is scrappy too and I will get cracking on the hand sewing after dinner.

I will be back to work tomorrow.  Spring break is at an end.  Linking up with Judy's Design Wall Monday!  Have a look and see what everyone is up too!

Stay tuned for Rachel's Scrap Attack Linky Party this week too!


  1. gorgeous Pinwheels - thanks so much Cathy! and love that monster - happy stitching that binding!

  2. Actually, golden pinwheels on a gray background (like the barn siding) are a this-season color combination!

  3. Lovely pinwheels. The color combination on the blocks is wonderful.
