
Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Work In Progress Wednesday

My proverbial quilt is my only official work in progress.  What?????  It is true.  I have nothing else currently on the go.  I have plans, options, thoughts and dreams of other things on the go but this is it folks.  Never fear.  This will all change by the time the weekend rolls around and I will for sure have something else started.

I put all the letters out on the spare bed which is a double , just for the record.  The words takes up a lot of room but I only have "you make me happy when skies are gray"  left to piece and then I can put the whole shebang together.

Hopes, plans and quilt dreams involve...
1) Tracey's Treasure box quilts (one to donate and another for fun)
2) And Ellison Lane's Scrappy Stash Quilt Along which will start in October

And more Market Bags and I always seem to make another baby quilt just for fun.

Linking up with Lee's Work In Progress Wednesday because who knows?  Maybe after I look at what everyone else is up to, I will have another idea!


  1. It's looking good. I have got as far as the first letter of the first word!

    Good to know someone else also uses 'the whole shebang'!

  2. Looks great Cathy..arent piecing words so fun??

  3. Wonderful! This is just what I would like to make ... if my as yet not even close son has a child someday. This is his most requested bedtime song when he was a child.

  4. That's amazing that you only have one WIP! (I've got at least ten!) It's looking fabulous and you've chosen such a lovely phrase to piece.
