
Saturday, December 22, 2012


A little while ago I won a pattern over at Felicity's blog.  It was for a great tote bag designed by Nikki from the Girl Who Quilts. I knew it was going to be just the thing for the Travel Handmade swap with the Vancouver Modern Quilt Guild.  I pulled some fabrics today.  Chopped it all up and actually even started sewing.  It was fun to be working away while chitter chatting with my Mummy.

I also spent some time doing some free motion stippling on a project for my Mum.  She has this idea to make a quilted vest but didn't have any quilted fabric.  Enter me.  Of course it wasn't quilting cotton I was quilting but a rayon blend.  Let's just say I was happy when it was over.  I am sure it will look lovely when it is all finished.

Happy Christmas Eve Eve Eve!  Oh and daughter cheated at Scrabble.  Just saying.


  1. Enjoy your family. Merry Christmas ; )

  2. That looks fun! Looking forward to seeing your tote at the Sew-in! Merry Christmas to you and your family!
