
Friday, July 19, 2013


Okay, so I am supposed to be on holidays but I have been so busy!  Yesterday I went into the big city to see Cheryl's trunk show.  It was just so awesome.  Not the driving. That was terrible as anyone who has driven into and around Vancouver will attest.  But the trunk show was awesome.  I was also able to get a copy of her not yet released book.  Squeal!  Don't tell anyone!

It was also daughter's birthday yesterday.  She was really happy with the scrub tops that I made her.  Yay!  I cannot believe she is already 24!!!!  She is supposed to be our baby!

And we started picking blueberries yesterday, at least more than just a handful.  So we are into the harvest and will be spending hours and hours picking fabulous blues.  Husband does the bulk of it.  And when we get sick of it all, we start calling friends and family.  Then when we have used all of them up, we put up welcome signs for birds.  They wait until we are ready.  Most cooperative.

Tomorrow is the perfect circles class with Cheryl and I have to settle on fabric.  No more waffling!


  1. Wasn't Cheryl fabulous? Glad you made the trip in, despite the traffic woes. It was a treat to see quilts that were featured in her first book. Lucky you to snag a copy of her new book before it was released!

    I'll see you at tomorrow's perfect circles class. I, too, need to choose my fabric!

  2. You may be busy but it sounds like you are having fun! Quilting and blueberries are hard to beat!

  3. ..............thou shalt not covet anothers blogger's book........but I'm weak!!

  4. ah...sigh! blueberries! Quilts! New Books!
