
Thursday, October 10, 2013

Random and more

We have had a great grape harvest this year.  I love grapes.  You know who else loves grapes?  Marvin.  Who is Marvin?  He is our resident black bear.  How do I know he likes grapes?  Because he keeps leaving giant piles of... well, you get it, all over the yard.  This also answers the question, "Do bears poop in the woods?"  And I can answer, possibly but not always.  

It is pumpkin pie season and I have to say that my husband makes the bet pumpkin pie in the world.  It was so good that we actually just had pumpkin pie for dinner the other night.  It was good.  Really good.

Then he made these giant pumpkin cookies with white chocolate bits.  So yummy.  Daughter's recipe!  Yay!

More good news.  I won a give away from Teresa at Twistfully Yours.    So awesome!  6 lovely fat quarters from Michael Miller's Bella Butterflies and Blossoms line and a Sweetwater pattern arrived in the mail yesterday.  Nice!!!  Thank you, Teresa!!!

Then we have to talk about this plant.  It is obviously a Canadian Thanksgiving cactus not a Christmas cactus or an Easter cactus.  Canadian Thanksgiving is this weekend.  This plant is huge. This is only part of it and it is covered in  flowers.  I am not the person responsible.  I cannot be trusted with house plants.  Husband takes the credit.

Linking up with Cindy for Random Thursday because we have talked about grapes, bears, pumpkin pie, cookies, fabric and a plant all in one post.  Random for sure.  Happy Thursday!


  1. Marvin gets in to everything around there it sounds like! Beware! Those grapes look wonderful and so does the pie and the cookies! I gain pounds just reading your blog! YUM!
    My old Christmas cactus ends up blooming in March or April, I think daylight savings has confused it for good!

  2. Does Marvin like pumpkin, too?!

  3. Wow, that's an amazing cactus! Mine is an Easter cactus, but I only get a couple or three blooms. You must be doing something right. Happy Thanksgiving to you - we're having ours today.

  4. Just catching up on reading my favourite blogs =) Glad the fabric and pattern arrived. Beautiful Christmas Cactus. I have 2 ... actually 3 that have never bloomed then suddenly this year one bloomed on Halloween (its white) and the second bloomed on Remembrance Day (its red) ... up to now, I didn't even know what colour they were. Even the little broken off bit sitting in a dish of water bloomed the same day as the rest of the plant. lol
