
Wednesday, January 1, 2014

A year in quilts...

Happy New Year!  I have had another quilt filled year!  I would add that if you are interested in any details about any of these pictures, I do have links at the top of the page for quilt finishes.

Linking up with Lynne at Lily's Quilts for Fresh Sewing Day!  And I just happened to receive her lovely book 500 Quilt Blocks for Christmas!  Yay!

Lily's Quilts


  1. What a beautiful year for you!! I have several favorites in your collection!

  2. Beautiful quilts! Thank you for a year of inspiration, I am looking forward to more in the coming year.

  3. Such a lovely range of color! What a variety of beautiful quilts!

  4. WOW - you certainly have been a busy bee! I really enjoy reading your blog as I find it very inspirational! Mind you in saying that my Road to Fortune quilt is currently only 4 blocks big on the front and a scrappy row of odd sized blocks done for the back! Definitely on my must finish this year list!

  5. What a great quilting year! Beautiful quilts! Happy New Year!

  6. A very successful year with beautiful woek to show for it!

  7. I remember your quilt from Bloggers Quilt Festival. I had entered in the bed quilt category too. You've had a great year!

  8. WOW, you have had an amazing quilty year
