
Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Taking care of business...

With spring break continuing into week 2, I was able to take care of some block business including the March Lucky Stars BOM.  This one went together easily and even though the text print is a one way print, I managed to get them all in going in a reasonable direction.  I was not thinking when I cut them out but it worked out well enough. Do you notice that one block looks much larger than all the rest?  I wonder about that.  I know there is one that is a bit smaller... that is the one on the top far right but the block beside it looks much larger.  Hmm.  That one will be destined for the quilt back!  20 blocks and counting.

Then I got busy with these Robert Kaufman metallics for the Pacific Northwest Mod Metallic challenge.  Do you think I can find a picture of my work in progress?  There is is.  This is a block from Amy Ellis's book Modern Neutrals called Prism.  

And I made 8 little darting birds for That Stash Bee! And wouldn't you know it that after I posted this picture and looked at it, there are two reversed squares in two of the blocks.  Darn.  Made two new blocks and sent those off too.

Linking up later with Lee for Work in Progress Wednesday.  You can get a lot done on spring break!


  1. What great projects you are working on. Your little birdy blocks make my heart sing!

  2. Love the colours, the second diagonal row has a block turned in each block. Hope they aren't sewn together yet. Sorry, but better see it now than in the whole quilt.
    The prism blocks are spectacular. Love the neutrals. Marge

  3. The Lucky Stars are amazing. That biger block syndrome happened to me too. I did a quilt with 20 blocks of 16 inches and one of them was 16 and a half. How it happen? I have no idea! It just like that dozen of eggs you showed us once with a much bigger egg than the others. Freak of nature LOL. Love the colors used for the darting birds. Very jewel like.

  4. Oooh nice!! Your lucky stars look amazing! can't wait to see the Modern Metallics finished piece, love the design you went with! & the little teeny blocks, lucky bee recipient!

  5. Cathy your star BOM is coming along nicely! I love the text print in there--and you did a great job with the direction of the print! :) Can't wait to see your continued progress!

    I am giving away a $25 gift certificate on my blog! Would love for you to stop by and enter!


  6. Your stars all look so nice together. Weird about the one being larger! Have you noticed that on anyone else's BOM progress?

  7. I'm in awe of how much you get done girl! Wow!
