
Thursday, October 27, 2016

Where has October gone?

October has all but disappeared in a whirlwind of busy!  And then the cold gremlins got me and I have been keeping the tissue companies in business with all sorts of nose blowing.  Oh those little germy children that fill up my day job!  Anyway, with all of that happening I did start a new quilt.  This one has been a whole pile of fun.  First it was the fabric shopping in my stash for all the different colours and then the chopping it all up.  There are no templates or actual must dos so the quilt top came together in a very organic manner.  This is from Kaffe Fasset's Glorious Patchwork.  It is a big one and all the strips are put together now into one glorious mess of colour.  Stay tuned.  Quilting is planned for this weekend.