
Thursday, April 19, 2012

Wedding blocks

Wedding blocks have started arriving in the mail.  Another block came in the mail just today.  These are blocks that are being made by friends and family of a bride to be.  I have been recruited to put the blocks together into a quilt that will be displayed at the wedding.  Actually my daughter offered me up for this as the bride is daughter's special someone's sister. That is complicated!  The bride chose the colours.  Her wedding colours.  I came up with a block that would not be too tricky for non-quilters and wrote a tutorial for quilting newbies.  So much fun!

Once all the blocks arrive, I  will trim them all to the same size, play with the layout and and start stitching them altogether.  I am strangely excited about the whole thing.

Spring has sprung at our house.  I walked around the farm with Husband this afternoon in the rain.  We checked out the rhubarb (almost ready to pick), the frog eggs at the pond, the baby white roses for our future rose hedge, the state of the flowers and the new fence posts along the road.  We are so lucky to have our own pocket of heaven!  I took a few pictures... including a bee in the flowers.  I told Husband it is a quilting bee.  He looked at me oddly.  Have a lovely evening!

1 comment:

  1. That wedding quilt is going to be something special - can't wait to see that develop -and I completely understand about the quilting bee - poor hubby!
