
Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Work in Progress Wednesday...

I finished this one!  It is off the list.  It has been raining way too much for me to get a picture.  I am hoping that we have clearer skies tomorrow and I can get some quick pictures after work.  At least that is the plan!

So where am I on the work in progress list.  

1)  A new quilt (grey, red and black) that I just started and is now a quilt sandwich waiting for quilting.  The biniding is made too.  Woo Hoo!  Yep, I found some black and white striped fabric for bindings!!!!  Happy dance!

2) Another star quilt which was just a bunch of blocks on the design wall is now finished.  Off the list!  And a sneak peek picture up on top!

3)  Yep.  Started the scrappy trip around..  Drank the Kool Aid.  Succumbed.  Resistance is futile.  

4)  Bee blocks.  done.  mailing tomorrow!  Yippee!

5) Joining the Triple Zip Along with Debbie from a Quilter'sTable.  Yes, I will do it!  3 zippers in one pouch!!!  So that is now a work in progress even though I have not started it yet!!!

That's all.  Everything else is done.  Imagine that!  My guild has a challenge to finish works in progress.  I am supposed to bring a list and pay $2 for each wip.  I won't have much to pay but then I won't have many chances in the big finale of super cool prizes.  Maybe I should start a whole bunch of quilts tonight!?  Silly me!

Linking up with Work In Progress Wednesday with Lee at Freshly Pieced.  



  1. Nice star! Can't wait to see the whole thing. :-)

  2. SNAP! I have just finished making the same binding :o)

  3. The snow is blowing sideways right now! It's actually gorgeous. Happy sewing ; )

  4. I have never seen anything as contagious (quilt-wise) as this Scrappy Trip craze… I'm still clinging to the "I don't have time for this" ledge but I'm losing my grip...
