
Thursday, June 26, 2014

Random Thrifting Adventures... Looking for Salty

The other day I stopped at a thrift store on my way home from school to deliver a vast quantity of leftover lost and found from the school lost and found.  Kids.  Good grief.  How do they loose their pants?  Anyway... since I was there, I thought why not have a look?  Oh My Goodness!  Am I ever glad I did because I found these three beauties.  Sugar, flour and pepper Jadeite shakers.  Eep!  Squeal!  Now I just need to find the salt!  It reminds of a series of  tv ads from a bit ago where the salt content of some food was reduced and the little animated pepper shaker was crying while looking for his buddy, Salty.  I put a link to one with the sad Salty character.  But I digress.

 And a quick scrounge in the fabric and notions... zippers at 25 cents a pop and some really lovely vintage cotton.  It is a lovely weave and weight.  Happiness in a thrift store.  Linking up with Cindy for Random Thursday...


  1. oh now I have a thrifting on my mind. such great finds, loving that jadeite.

  2. Finding treasures in a thrift store is always so much fun. You did very good. Love the shakers. Hope someone brings you the salt. It is the spice of life you know. Lovely fabric too.

  3. I'll keep my eye out for salty ; ) Lovely piece of fabric too

  4. whoa!! nice scores!! I haven't been thrifting in a while, I think today might be the day lol!

  5. Cute! At first I thought they were big canisters and was wondering WHY someone would want such a quantity of pepper! hahaha

  6. The print instantly took me back to high school. Hmmm...I must have made something with a print like that back then. Thanks for sharing.
