
Tuesday, October 14, 2014

It was like sourdough starter

I made a baby quilt like this last year and my future daughter in law will gift it to a friend's new baby boy soon.  I knew that I had cut to many squares the last time and I cleverly stored all the squares together in a spot where I could actually find them.  I thought it might be a good idea to get another baby boy quilt into inventory.  Let me just say that having the fabric already cut makes a quilt go together pretty darn quickly.  I am calling this a scrap project because it was made out of leftovers.  I had to add a few squares but not too many.  It was sort of like sourdough starter but with scraps.  Sometimes you have to add a little "je ne sais quoi" to the sourdough starter to get the thing going.  That is what I did here.  Just added a few squares and I was good to go.  I also managed to use a leftover chunk of batting and some leftover flannelette for the backing.

Officially this is now finished but I have not yet taken pictures of the completed quilt.  Officially I am calling this a scrap project and I am linking up with Leanne for Scraptastic Tuesday.


  1. Very sweet! Wonderful to find such a great way to use up your leftovers.:)

  2. Those owls peeking round the other fabrics are making me smile! Great official scrappy project ! Thanks for linking up to Scraptastic Tuesday!

  3. Those owls are super cute... I popped over from the scraptastic Tuesday link xx

  4. I love to keep extras in little ziploc baggies, marked with exactly what they are. Wonderful to have a start to a project like that! Cute quilt, and I like your sourdough analogy! lol

  5. what a lovely little quilt - your starter mix was bang on!

  6. I really love this baby quilt you made!! The fabric prints and colours are perfect together!!! Thanks for sharing!!

    1. Did you make the blocks as 4 patch or 9 patch??

  7. Ah, love my Hera marker, too! Works so nicely for straight-line quilting marking. Lovely quilt!
