
Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Farmer's Wife Quilt Along-Week 8

I messed up last week I think and posted about my week 6 blocks with my week 7 blocks.  Blah!  Whatever.  I now have 16 blocks.  And here they are...

Block #11 Broken Dishes

Block #12 Broken Sugar Bowl

I was a Farmer's Wife this week.  Yesterday I waded down the ditch pulling out some bad weeds on each side.  I came out covered in grass seeds, splotted with mud, red faced and sweaty.  I then slogged wheelbarrow after wheelbarrow of weeds to the tip pile not the compost.  I don't know if I was more worried about the potential critters I could encounter in the ditch or more worried about not being able to get out of the ditch once I was in it.  It all ended well.

On a happier note, we actually picked our first raspberries this morning.  The water is still so high because of all the rain that I got the ditch side of the patch.  Husband would not promise not to laugh if I fell in and asked if I would kindly time my fall so that he could fetch the camera first.  Luckily, I did not fall in and we were rewarded with a small bowl of red raspberry lovelies.


  1. Your Farmer's Wife blocks are looking great. I have my fabric picked out, but have not started yet. Maybe this afternoon. LOL Glad you didn't fall in the ditch while picking berries.

  2. Beautiful Farmer's Wife blocks and love the way they are displayed on the lattice fence. What no picture of you in the ditch???
