
Monday, July 18, 2011

Who spilled the bucket of crayons? A quilt finish...

I am calling this quilt "Who spilled the bucket of crayons?"  It is an explosion of colour.  It is a scrap quilt and I have been working on it for many months but I put on a big push just lately for 2 reasons.  Number 1, it is part of my must finish list for the Finish it up Challenge sponsored by Meg.  Number 2, it is summer and I am on holidays and have so much more quilting time.  I did get quite bored with staring at my box of scraps and sewing endless strips to squares of loose leaf paper.  The other depressing fact of sewing with scraps is that despite making 80 paper pieced string blocks, the stinking box of scraps does not seem that diminished.  How does that happen?????  I am over the moon with the result now that it is all finished.  I really am tickled with visiting the bits of all the quilts I have made over the past year in this scrappy quilt.  I was showing it off to a friend yesterday and she was looking for her quilt.  She found it.  She looked for Daughter's sunflower quilt.  Found it. I see my mum's quilt and on and on.  That makes it fun. I spy, quilting style.

The quilt is backed with a 100% cotton vintage sheet.  This is in the spirit of the scrappy quilt and not buying anything but the batting.  I bound the quilt in leftovers from Daughter's purple Christmas gift quilt along with another bit of purple in my stash.  I had to make the binding a bit scrappy because I was a bit short with the leftover purple. My quilt advisor, aka Husband, suggested purple for the binding.  He has great colour sense and I probably would not have gone in that direction but it totally works. I quilted straight lines on either side of the blocks.  The back shows the square grid that formed.  It is a big quilt.  64" x 84".  And it is finished! It will be a quilt for us and will warm a number of people when visiting or watching TV.  It feels really great to say this is a finish.

A big giant Happy Birthday to Daughter who is now 22!!!!!  Love you, Bug!

And I will be linking up to Sew Modern Monday and tomorrow, to Fabric Story Tuesday!  Check out the other quilty fun!

Grab a button    Fresh Poppy Design


  1. Wow, a fabulous quilt! I love the scrapiness and the title of course! And the backing is gorgeous :)

  2. Lot's of fun scraps in that quilt!! Nice job!!

  3. yay for finishes! This looks really great.

  4. I love scrappy quilts like these - they are a trip down your quilting memory lane and for that reason I always find them really hard to give away unless I deliverately make one to give away. Love the backing!

  5. What a neat scrappy quilt and Happy Birthday to your daughter!

  6. Love it! I'm a big fan of scrappy quilts and I love that you backed it with a vintage sheet. Happy Birthday to your daughter.

  7. That is a beautiful quilt! It looks like a mosaic mirror!

  8. Love your quilt and the name is appropriate, Gorgeous!!

  9. Great quilt! What a lot of work. And so many different fabrics, it really is an eye spy for quilters.

  10. Wow that is one amazing quilt. You did a fabulous job.

    BTW I'm hosting a Fabric Giveaway over at my site and giving away 12 FAT quarters. Swing by if you get a chance:

