Monday, November 19, 2012

Blogathon Canada!


Welcome to Blogathon Canada!  I am happy to welcome you to the Blueberry Patch. And a big thank you to Sew Sisters Quilt Shop for organizing all of this.  I been blogging for almost two years and have been enjoying quilting like crazy for about three years after a long, long break.  I am a self confessed fabric-aholic.  I live in the Fraser Valley of British Columbia and I do work full time as an elementary school principal.  I don't get much sewing done during the week but I make up for it on the weekends and during holidays!  My kids are all grown up.  I actually do live on a small blueberry farm next to the big woods in the country.  My husband is very supportive of my habit/hobby and just builds more shelves as I need them!  There are some shelves in progress as we speak!

the great wall of fabric!
If you have a look at around my blog, you will see that I have lots of quilt finishes under the tabs for both last year and this year.  I make mostly quilts.  Big ones, baby ones and throw quilts but I have been known to make other things too.  Pillows.  I make a lot of pillows.  I love scraps and love nothing better than to find a great bag of scraps at a quilt shop!  I have my scraps colour coded in shoe boxes.  I like to be organized.  

I am a happy member of the most fabulous Fraser Valley Modern Quilt Guild.  I currently have two quilts on the go.  My Proverbial Sunshine quilt and a quilt that so far is just called Another Star.  I tend to not have a lot of works in progress because I tend to work on something until it is finished and then start something else.  I have recently joined a few online/Flikr swaps and I have really enjoyed those.  I started off small with scrap swaps and things like that just to get my feet wet.  I have also joined my first online quilt bee.  We start in January and I am really looking forward to that!

My most recent finish was for the Scrappy Stash Quilt Along.  I used a lot of scraps but somehow those scrap boxes seem just as full!

Some of my favourite quilts are ones I have made from scraps and have stars!  Can you tell that I am not afraid of using colour?  Oh... I have made quilts with vintage sheets too.  And I do like visiting thrift stores.  I even found original Flea Market Fancy in thrift stores twice!!!!!!!  I almost fainted the first time.

I quilt all my quilts myself.  I have a Janome Memory Craft 7700.  I seriously love my sewing machine.  I use it a lot and I must confess that I actually broke my quarter inch foot the other day.  And a needle.  But that is another story!  

Favourite quilting tip:  Use good thread.  Hera markers are awesome.  Be careful with your rotary cutter.  I cut my finger badly this past summer.  Eek!

Favourite Quilting Book:  I have to say that as a go to book, Elizabeth Hartman's book The Practical Guide to Patchwork is fabulous.  Her blog is awesome too.  

Favourite Fabric?:  I cannot pick one.  I love Flea Market Fancy.  I love Martha Negley and Kaffe Fasset's in your face florals.  I am currently crushing on Violet Craft's Madrona Road.  I love that fabric line. I adore the whimsy of Heather Ross.  I rarely use a "fabric line" in a quilt as I tend to pick and chose what I like rather than stick with a line.  

Here is the fun part!  Thank you so  much for stopping by!  Sew Sisters is sponsoring a lovely giveaway in celebration of Blogathon Canada!  Can you see what is in the picture?  Squeal!  There are 6-1 metre cuts of Anna Maria Horner's Innocent Crush!!!!!!  That is 6 metres of fabric!  

How to win?  Just leave a comment!  How about you tell me what the weather is like where you are today?  If you are a follower, old or new, you get a second chance!  It is that easy.  

Please, please, please make sure that you are not a a no-reply blogger!    If you are, you will have to include your email address so I can chase you down if you win.  This giveaway will be open until tomorrow at 4 pm PST.  When I come home from school, I will randomly pick a winner!
Edited to say:  The contest is now closed!  thank you so much to everyone who has entered!

As part of the blogathon, I have a lovely list of other bloggers from BC!  Please take the time to stop over and visit them.  I have to say that we have a lot of talented quilty people out there in Beautiful BC!  And keep hopping this week because there are more giveaways each day!  Pop on over to Felicity's today too!

Grace and Favour
Pins & Bobbins
Cynthia F
Chez Roo
Susan Being Snippy
Terry Aske Art Quilt Studio
Passion Quilting

Blogathon Canada!!!!

Sunday, November 18
Monday, November 19
Monday, November 19
Tuesday, November 20
Tuesday, November 20
Wednesday, November 21
Wednesday, November 21
Thursday, November 22
Thursday, November 22
Friday, November 23
Friday, November 23
Saturday, November 24
Saturday, November 24
Saturday, November 24


  1. Your wall of fabric is fantastic! It's about 60 degrees here today!

  2. And I'm a follower!

  3. what a ray of sunshine to see your quilts. How exciting to meet other quilters too.

  4. I'm envious of your wall of fabric!!
    Here in my part of the UK it's grey and wet!

  5. The sun is raising here in the East Coast of Canada! It was -2 but should get up to a balmy +6 today!

  6. Hi Cathy, just found your blog the other day through Sew Sisters. I am from Ontario. I am a Gr. 3 teacher by day and quilter by night, sometimes before school too! I enjoy reading your blog and having the school connection. The weather is cold here. Frost on the ground in the morning and 5 to 10 degree days. Perfect for quilting!

  7. It's a gorgeous day here in Halifax. Sunny and above zero! Your quilts are amazing. I love each and every one. I don't own any AMH fabric yet so I would love to win this prize. Fingers crossed.

  8. It's a wet grey day here in my part of the uk but finding your blog will be a bright spot!

  9. I'm so impressed of your order. That's why you manage to make such wonderful quilts, I think. I've already seen you EllisonLane-quilt, and I love it. Thanks for the chance to win som new fabrics.

  10. By the way, I'm a new follower to your blog.

  11. It's a little chilly here in Toronto :)

  12. Hi Cathy, just found your blog today and became a follower. I am not too sure what the weather will be like today as its a little early in the morning yet to be able to tell! Your organisation is fantastic your so lucky to have such a handy husband.

  13. It's clear and blowing as usual here in Calgary in the Foothills.

  14. I'm a follower, and I enjoy reading about your quilt finishes!

  15. Hi Thanks for doing the Blogathon, what a fun way to find more Canadian quilters and see some of their lovely work. A whole wall of shelves would be wonderful to have, I would have to go to Sew Sisters to fill them with fabric. Thanks for the chance at the give away.

  16. YOur quilts are fabulous. I just love that green and purple one. Thanks for the chance to win the fabric.

  17. LOVE that rainbow log cabin quilt especially! Thanks for the chance!

  18. Beautiful fabric. I love your quilts. Thanks for sharing and for the opportunity on a great draw

  19. I'm a follower (via GFC and Google Reader)!

  20. A little cold here in Boston, but sunny so I can't complain. Love the lob cabin quilt!

  21. I'm so envious of your awesome fabric shelves! Your work is amazing and so colourful and happy, just like you! :D
    And we love love love having you in our FV Guild, and thank you so much for all that you do for the group, it wouldn't be the same without you!!
    cynthia (at) greencouchdesigns (dot) com

  22. I'm a new follower.


  23. The weather channel predicts high 50s for those of us in. Michigan.
    I thought for sure I had already posted this, but I don't see it...hmmm.

    pnconverse (at) hotmail(dot)com

  24. The weather outside my window is quite grey and gloomy - but warm for November in Wisconsin, 49 degrees. We're supposed to have 40's and 50's all week, which I love. The longer the snow holds off, the shorter winter will seem. Thanks for the give away!

  25. The weather is mild and somewhat cloudy. Not a bad day for southern Ontario.

  26. I am a follower and love your latest rainbow quilt.

  27. You do beautiful quilts! and that wall of fabric! I am turning green with envy! Thanks for the link to my blog as part of this event. I have no idea what I would do if I one that stack of fabric -- probably share it will my quilting buddies! And the Weather? I am not so far from you so it is much the same, rain, rain, rain and steady rain. My hubby delivers the newspaper at night and when he came in at 5am, everything was soaked thro, then he took the dog for her morning walk and they both came in soaked! Better rain, than snow tho!

  28. Weather here is south central Ontario is foggy and grey. It was a bit tricky trying to walk the dogs at 5:30 this morning in the fog AND dark. Love your blog...oooh this is so much fun, I've bookmmarked it for another come back.

  29. I love your work. Your quilts are exceptional and your colour choices are second to none!
    Thank you for the chance :)

  30. The weather outside is...a bit chilly with ice crystals falling but sunny!
    I'm a follower of course :)

  31. The weather is wet, but that is BC for you, lol. Thanks for the chance and all the inspiration :)

  32. Great bundle, Cathy! And I just love all the bright and happy quilts here. Happy Blogathon!

  33. I haven't even looked outside yet today to see what the weather is. All I know is that it's dark. haha Thanks for the giveaway.

  34. I follow your blog via google reader.

  35. Hi Cathy! Nice to "meet" you! It's sunny but cold here in New Brunswick. Currently 3C at noon. I LOVE your purple and green quilts- both the one on this post and the one on your header photo. Lovely!! You live in a beautiful area, been there a few times. This Blog Hop is great fun- a great way to get to meet other Cdn. bloggers. Thanks for the Giveaway. Good Luck to all!!

  36. I love your colourful quilts. You've got me "Hooked"...I'm now a Blog follower as well as a quilter.

  37. It is overcast and chilly here (I know chilly is relative as I am South Georgia). I am a follower - new. Liking this blog and would love the fabric.

  38. Cold up in Northern Alberta. You do great work Cathy!!

  39. Love your quilts. It's 3 degrees here today, but bright and sunny. I think the cold will make my decision between quilting and heading outside.

  40. It is cool and cloudy here in southern Alberta. I live near Medicine Hat where there is mostly prairie.We have a little snow left, but they are saying more to come next week. I am a new follower. Its so great to find such great quilters in Canada. Love all your quilts and the beautiful colors that you use. Thanks for the chance to win

  41. I have fabric storage towers similar to yours which I amassed over the past 15 years. Each cubby is the footprint of a fat quarter. I have been searching in vain for well over a year for additional shelving similar to yours or mine. Did you purchase your units? If so, would you let me know where in Canada or the U.S. you came across them? I crave an empty surface
    Thank you,

  42. Lovely fabric :) It's sunny and 4 degrees in Newfoundland today.

  43. What wonderful work you've done. love your storage solutions that's what I'm working on now for my sewing space. :)

    Today is a chilly 2 degrees but there's lots of beautiful sun to make up for it.

  44. I'm a new follower! Its a balmy -1C here in Calgary today!

  45. What a lovely giveaway. I'm in BC, north central where we get nasty winter weather. But so far in Prince George we've done well. It's already mid November and the temps are bareable, even balmy, and there's hadly any snow. Woot!

  46. I'm also a new follower. Not sure what happened to my last post. But wanted to say I love stars too and have a few quilts with them in, but I definitely need more.

  47. It is cold but clear up here in NE Pennsylvania. Loved your introduction and seeing your lovely quilts.

  48. I am a new follower of your blog - thanks for the chance to win! Love AMH!!!

  49. Hi Cathy! That green/purple hst quilt is TO DIE FOR - as is your Great Wall of Fabric! Who wouldn't want to win something of Anna Maria's??? The weather here in the beautiful BC interior is "socked in" and wet. No snow yet though :) Have a great day! Great to see a new quilting friend's blog "Grace and Favour" is on your list! (Think I figured out the no-reply blogger thing!)

  50. Hi Cathy,

    Susan Being Snippy sent me over here. I am a former secretary in an elementary school. I am not far from you and so the weather is the pretty much the same as yours - rainy and windy.

  51. WOW,, You have lovely fabric, that keeps the creative juices flowing. It is nice and sunny on the Eastern Shore of Nova Scotia. It was below zero when we got up but around 5 out there now.

    Thank you for this chance

  52. ooops I am a follower also,

    Cheers Ann

  53. I love your blog and all the quilts you share. I'm like you, I rarely use fabric from just one collection. Your stash of fabric looks fabulous by the way!! It is a beautiful sunny fall day in Kingston, Ontario. Thanks for sharing with us today!!

  54. I am in Kentucky where it was frosty when I woke up, but is warming up a bit. I love your Scrappy Stash quilt! I did that QAL too and also hardly noticed a dent in my pile of scraps. But it was fun to make and I love the quilt I made, so it's all good.

  55. I'm in Idaho and today the weather is gloomy, windy and a bit chilly. Perfect day for some quilting :)

  56. I am from Ontario where is was frosty this am but just came back from shopping (found some fabric bargains at Value Village -or Canadian Thrift store. :-)The weather is now beautiful and perfect for a walk but I am working on a project that has to be ready for Thursday so....................

  57. Just love your scrap quilts ,there's just something very satisfying from taking scraps and turning them into a beautiful quilt .

  58. I just love you log cabin quilt, now I want to make the colors are fantastic.

  59. Love your quilts and like you I like to be organized.

  60. I envy your great wall of fabric, is that a sin? hahaha ..

    The weather here today in north-eastern Ontario is mild, ooo, the sun is just peeking through, my kitty is so happy, she finds every sunbeam to warm herself in .. maybe we can all take a lesson from that eh?

    Thanks for hosting this giveaway.
    Julie Andrea

  61. I am from Mississauga, Ontario and the weather is glorious for this time of year! awolk at rogers dot com

  62. I am a new follower .. take me to your leader! lol

  63. Thanks so much for sharing...great way to kick off the blogathon!
    That plum and green quilt is one of my it!
    The weather.?? Well at home in Saskatchewan it is cold and snowy....but I am in Phoenix this week.. So It is warm and sunny!

  64. And , yes, I am a follower...thanks for the chance to win this beautiful bundle!

  65. Ahh! A person after my own heart! I love to find fabric treasures in all sorts of places, you just never know what is lurking in the dark recesses of thrift stores or yard sales :D
    Thanks for linking my blog, I hope that I will become as skilled as you are someday :)
    Salutations from frozen and snowy northern BC, I look forward to your future projects!

  66. I am happy to be a new follower! awolk at rogers dot com

  67. I see all the colour holes in my fabric stash as I look at your fabric wall! lol Your quilts are stunning. I live near Halifax, NS and today is a sunny 6 degrees. My parents had a choice to move here or to BC with my brother...they chose BC because of the maritime weather. It has become a bit of a joke between us as they always seem to have lots of snow or are way too hot in the summer...while we spend most of the winter in our heavy fall jackets with little snow (I have probably cursed myself now and we will get dumped on this winter)

  68. Thanks for all the links. At present here in Toronto, it is 10 degrees C or 50 in Fahrenheit. Thanks for the chance to win some fabric. I am in dire need of some new yardage.

  69. Beautiful sunny day here in Toronto - I biked my kids to school today! That wall of fabric is awesome... So inspiring when it's all piled up like that. I love the amount of bright colour you use in your quilts!

    That's an awesome giveaway. Crossing my fingers!

  70. Oh, and I just became an email follower.

  71. It’s a beautiful crisp day here in Moncton, NB! The sun has been shining all day though it was chilly this morning when I went for a walk on the country roads near my home.

  72. Love your quilts! And so happy to add your blog to my “must reads” list! Thanks for the great give away!

  73. what beautiful work! glad to get to know you a bit better :)

  74. Love your wall of fabric! Here in Dauphin it is +1 and the snow is on the melt. Thanks for the chance to win!

  75. It's lovely today (just north of Toronto) - it's overcast, but the current temp is 7C - we went out grocery shopping just wearing sweatshirts --- love it!

  76. love your quilts!! i'm having fun already, and it's only 2 days into the Quilt Blogathon!! yay!!

  77. I'm not sure if other participants in the hop can enter - but here I am. I love your style and colour and I especially love the green and purple quilt.

  78. I forgot to tell you that it is around -20 and grey here today :)

  79. Seriously soggy day! Perfect for blog hopping!
    Beautiful blog. Will definitely come back for another look.

  80. Great blog! Thanks for hosting today!

  81. I live in Abbeville, Alabama...and it is 70 degrees and bright and sunny today. It is an absolute AWESOME day, just wish I was not at work!
    lisamcgriff (at) hotmail(dot)com

  82. I'm a follower!
    lisamcgriff (at) hotmail(dot)com

  83. I love your fabrics and your quilts - such wonderful colorful photos.
    The weather here in Arkansas USA is cloudy, misty but a nice 55 degrees - too bad the sun isn't out. I love BC and have been there several times.

  84. So many lovely projects! I really love the lime and purple quilt at the bottom of your post!

  85. It's a gorgeous 70 degrees out today. Not very winter-y weather down here!

  86. It is +4C here today and Sunny.Yes I am a fellow Canadian in Bristol,Quebec.We are about an hour from the Capital of Canada Ottawa where I grew up.I love your Star Quilt.

  87. Love your purple and green quilt! The sun is shining here today on the prairies and +1. Thanks for the chance to win!!



  90. I just found your blog and I love your storage space! Drooling over your fabrics. :) It is a balmy 12 deg C (54 deg F) here in Colorado, USA!

  91. Toronto was a bit cool for me.

  92. love the sunflowers! wow. and the quilts of course, such happy colors. today it's warmish at 60F and always breezy.

  93. I live in a small remote community north of Lake Superior and believe it or not, but today it felt like spring... it was beautiful and everyone was chipper!!

  94. Love all your quilts. It's a Chinook day here in Calgary, Alberta. The snow is melting like crazy - just in time for the next snow! Thanks for the chance to win!

  95. I am in awe with your Wall of Fabric!!! I am now following you!!

  96. This comment has been removed by the author.

  97. The weather in Ottawa today was sunny and cold :)

  98. What a stash! and so organized. Your quilts are just glorious...that's the word that comes to mind. Cold in northern BC today -31 with the windchill. A huge thanks for being part of this blogathon.

  99. I,m crushing on Madrona Road now, too. It was sunny and nice enough for a nice loop around the parking lot at lunch too.

  100. Innocent Crush is one of my favorite lines. Thanks for the chance! And I can't imagine how you can ever have time to sew being a school principal. That is a tough and time-consuming job!

  101. Great giveaway. I'm in Kamloops, so today it is raining lightly and cool (8C) Thanks for posting links to some more BC Blogs!

  102. The bright colours of your "stash" and that you use in your quilts are delicious!
    It was sunny today in Toronto, although I didn't spend much time outside. I was lucky enough to be taking a class with Esteria Austin today, learning all about using sheers in our quilting.

  103. That last comment about the bright colours was from me "Judy M", but blogger isn't recognizing my wordpress id, google id. Hopefully it will recognize an OpenID!!!

  104. It is sunny and in the 50s today here in Ohio. Wonderful weather to finish raking the leaves. Thanks for the chance to win beautiful fabric.

  105. We had a nice sunny day here! I love your wall of fabric! Thanks for this giveaway!

  106. We had a windy day here in Southern Alberta. It gusted up to about 80km or so, but it was a nice, balmy 10C as a result. Nice and warm for us!


  107. I'm also a follower. :)


  108. I'm from BC (born in Abbotsford, or Matsqui as it was then), temporarily in Edmonton, AB. Weather here today is grey and somewhat foggy, which makes me homesick for the Best Coast! Love your quilts, esp. the scrappy one. I'm just getting back to sewing but I have the fabric stash of all time! Thanks for the lovely posts. ~ Linne

  109. It;s raining CATS and DOGS!! (Vancouver Island) Thanks for the chance to win your lovely give away!

  110. Hi I'm Jenny from Adelaide South Australia, and I love your fabric shelves!!! how awesome to have a handy husband!!! I have just got into quilting and fabric after just starting to squeeze in some time as my five little boys get just that little bit older and easier to manage!

    The weather here today is quite interesting. The forecast is for a hot windy 37 deg celsius ( thats about 98, or 99 F) with an extreme fire danger rating. I have just got back from dropping mr 4 1/2 at kindergarten, where they are filling buckets in preparation as they are required to do. Apparently if the power goes out, the water will last about 10 minutes as we are up in the hills! Needless to say I filled my buckets up as soon as we got home!! Have a great day!


  111. What a great fabric stash :D

    I'm in Calgary and while it's been (I think? I was at work from 5:45 AM till a couple hours ago) a pretty decent day, it's suddenly gotten rather dark and dreary and it looks like it's probably really cold. I'm not going to go outside to find out, though.


  112. Hi from Texas, we are sunny and still in shorts ! I am ole follower. funnymesjc at gmail dot com

    1. We were in the Wonky Quilt along together.. LOL

  113. Also, I've been following you via Google Reader since the start of the first Modern Scrappy Bits exchange!


  114. Your quilts are all gorgeous! Love the bright colors you use! The weather here in Nova Scotia today was clear but a cool 5 degrees...guess winter is on the way! Thanks for the chance to win some gorgeous fabrics!

  115. I really love your quilts. I also live in Canada. The Hopewell Cape Rocks is in my back yard in NB. Nice to see your blog. Also a nice give away.

  116. Love your 'wall of fabrics' and those beautiful, colorful quilts! The weather here is sunny and in the low 60s. Thanks for the sweet giveaway!

  117. I'm a new follower...happy to have found your blog on this hop.. :o)

  118. Over here in Alberta where I am it was foggy the whole day and about -7. No sun in our usually sunny province. And as I write, it's already dark outside : (
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  119. In Nebraska it was in the 60's today and by mid week it will be in the 70's! Not bad for November!
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  120. The weather here (Vancouver) today has been hideous! Rain and more rain.

  121. Love the star quilts! Here in the NorEast, we are unseasonalbly mild - but enjoying it as we know the cold and snow will soon follow.

  122. You are one busy lady having made those lovely quilts. Our weather today was sunny and mild (+2) - not bad for Kamsack, Saskatchewan in November!

  123. So happy to find you! You have some beautiful projects!

    Here in the Palm Springs, CA area, it has been nearly 80 degrees today! We're ready for cooler weather...

    lwghosts at yahoo dot com

  124. I love star quilts, and color and your wall of fabric! We had partly sunny skies and temperatures in the upper 50's. Wonderful for mid-November!

  125. So happy to meet you! Here in Montreal, it was mostly sunny today, but a bit cool at 6 degrees. I really like all of your quilts and love the colour choices.

  126. I'm a school bus driver from Southwestern Ontario. I also do my quilting on weekends. I'm a very new blog follower in fact I had trouble finding how to leave a comment. (not tech savy) We had a beautiful day 12C. I have signed up to follow your blog Thanks so much to Sew Sister's I know I'm going to enjoy following blogs.
    Donna Hawley

  127. We're having a chinook here in Calgary for the past few days. It's about 5 C. Tomorrow, though, it is supposed to get cold. (We get used to the ups and downs here).

  128. I've become a follower. I'm glad to have found your blog through the blogathon.

  129. 6 Celcius in Calgary today and sunny (earlier). I like the look of your fabric shelves! Thanks for the giveaway.

  130. The weather was sunny but cool here in Nova Scotia. I saw the first frost of the season this morning while getting ready for school.

  131. It is currently 6 degrees here in Mississauga.. Such a beautiful day went for a walk at lunch.... Thanks for the chance to win and see some beautiful and insperational quilts..

  132. The weather was nice and sunny today. Thanks for the giveaway.

  133. I totally forgot I had a Hera marker...that would've come in handy yesterday...I've just gotten so used to using the heat erasable pens.
    I'm a bit outside of Seattle, and I don't know what the temperature was here today, but I do know that it rained so hard all day rain was pouring over the gutters and all the rivers are starting to flood!

  134. Lovely fabric. Here on the other side of the world to you in New Zealand it's been a sunny day but now is getting overcast. I lunched today with my Canadian friend and her in-laws visiting for a month from Canada. We were basting a quilt outside on the table tennis table for her brother. thanks for a lovely giveaway.

  135. Sou seguidora.

  136. Aqui está ameno,em torno de 36.

  137. Thank you for sharing your lovely quilts. We are heading into Summer and today is perfect - sunny, blue sky and a gentle breeze. Love this time of year!

  138. Your quilts are beautiful, I love the colours you pick.

  139. Love that wall of fabric! And your Scrappy Stash quilt is amazing! Weather here in VA is a chilly 50 but a sunny day. The rest of the week looks to be the same. I'd love to be included in your giveaway.

  140. Hi Cathy: Love your blog and of course would love to win the bundle! On Vancouver Island we are waiting for 80 kph winds tonight - hoping for no loss of power, as I am working tomorrow morning dispatching replacements for our school board. Hard to do when the phones don't work!

  141. I have been a follower for some time!

  142. Your fabric stash is amazing, and your quilts are beautiful. I live in indonesia so it is hot and sunny just about every day! Thanks for the giveaway!

  143. I am a new follower (by email). Thanks - wonderful blog!

  144. It was kind of chilly here today, but then, after being a bit further south, I guess it may just feel that way to me. It eventually made it into the 60s (F), but it was cloudy most of the day, with a nippy little breeze. Thanks for hosting the giveaway! :)

  145. It's been a little cold here lately - we got a big snowstorm last week, but now things are warming up a bit and all the snow is gone!

  146. Love your wall of fabric! Had to show my hubby the shelves and he thought they were awesome too! :) Love all your quilts, especially the lime & purple one! I'm north of you in Prince George and it was nice this morning and the sun was shining. This evening it is cold and snowing. Thanks for a chance to win! :)

  147. Love your quilting shelves. It was a fairly nice day today. Tomorrow the temperature will drop rapidly so we savored today's sunshine.

  148. Today was sunny and warm during the day but super chilly this morning. Of course I live in Texas so my chilly is probably nothing compared to Canada!

    sara_stetson at

  149. it's getting nippy in Toronto, just a few degrees above freezing today. I am in love with your stash, I could die of stash-envy, it's sooooo amazing. Thank you for embracing colour, I'm wildly in love with color too, and have yet to make a serene quilt. Thanks to Sew Sisters for bring Canadian bloggers together, thanks to you for this chance to win ;-)

  150. What a wonderful post! It was 73 F today. Perfect weather! Thanks for the giveaway!

  151. What beautiful quilts you made! and that Wall of Fabric, oh gosh, I'd love to come and play at your house, hehe. I'm in northern California and today was overcast and 66. I'm loving this cooler weather. 100 degree weather is over-rated.

    Thank you and Sew Sister's Quilt Shop for a generous giveaway and a chance to win.


  152. I'm a new follower. I love doing hops as I always find new blogs that have creative and inspiring people. Can't wait to have a look around and see more of what I've been missing.

    Thanks again for a chance to win.


  153. Thanks for showing your quilts and your stash. Very interesting. I'll check out some of the other blogs as well.

  154. It's been a fairly steady downpour all day with very dark grey low-hanging clouds. But at least the gale force winds have stopped. All in all, a perfect day for quilting. Thanks for the amazing giveaway opportunity.

  155. It has been raining off and on all day. It poured during lunch but then stopped long enough for me to walk into the grocery store- and pouring again when I ran out with my eggs and smoked turkey! Thanks for such a great giveaway and for sharing more about your quilting. Your house is really starting to look like a fabric store!

  156. PS It is 25 degrees in Honolulu- I wish it were December 6 so I could be there instead of in the BC rain!

  157. We have had terrible weather today here in rural South Australia. It's been 34 degrees C and a roaring northerly wind. This means it is rated a catastrophic fire danger risk day and some schools close and school buses do not run.

  158. I follow your blog too! Cheers, Sarah

  159. I was suggested this web site by way of my cousin. I'm now not positive whether this publish is written by him as nobody else recognise such distinctive about my problem.You are wonderful! Thanks!

  160. What a lovely range of quilts you chose to show today! I recognize some, but I have missed others. I love your color sense! Today in middle Sweden it is just under freezing, grey, and the sun will go down at 2 pm by the look of things. I am trying to squeeze out any discernable color form the sky-- and today we have nordic pink and blue!
    lizzietillstrom at gmail dot com

  161. I am a follower! lizzietillstrom at gmail dot com

  162. We had a taste of summer today! But I am not sure you will send 6 yards of AMH to Australia!?

  163. Fabric looks lovely! The weather here is RAINY...but I do so love my west coast, so I cannot complain about the rain.

  164. It was a gorgeous day in the Annapolis Valley of Nova Scotia yesterday and promises to be the same for the next 5 days. We're headed for a high of 9C today! Love it!

    Thanks so much for the chance to win!

  165. It was a beautiful day here in Quebec . I live across the River from Montreal (South Shore).I sooo envy your shelving. I have fabric in a dresser , steel shelves, wooden bookshelves,under my cutting table and on shelves across the wall.

  166. Lovely quilts, especially liked the scrappy star! I live near Digby, NS and our weather has been chilly the past couple of days. Very frosty mornings with lots of sunshine throughout the day!

  167. Your quilts are beautiful, I'm in love with the rainbow scrappy one! I'm in Nottingham, England and, quite predictably, it's grey and rainy today!

  168. I also live in the UK, in the north and guess what? It's dull, grey, showery and windy. Bit like the summer we've just had really!

  169. I live in Central NY and we are supposed to be pretty nice today - Sunny and low 50's. love your site so far. I too like Elizabeth Hartman and thought your colorful star quilt may be from her site. I love the purple and green quilt. I can't wait to check out more, but have to go to work :( Work - it always gets in the way of fun!

  170. I'm a Janome 7700 quilter too--aren't they thebest?!

  171. We are mild but mizzly (misty drizzle) so it is grey grey grey!!! Fab blog - I'm a new follower :) amycav at hotmail dot com

  172. I started following your blog about 6 months ago -- I consider myself color challenged and I find your use of colors to be inspiring. Thank you for doing the blog! Last week I bought a Janome 7700 and absolutely love it! Haven't done any FMQ on it but hopefully soon. Live in NE Wisconsin...sometimes people have asked over the phone if I'm from Canada...close but not quite! Overcast today and high is suppose to be 51F -- warm for this time of year.

  173. It is going to be 60F and sunny down here in South Carolina today.

    1. Well, here in Portugal is really windy today. I wish I had one of those quilts to cover up.. the purple and yellow is lovely.
      saruqa (at) gmail (dot) com

  174. I am a new follower to your blog

  175. Love your wall of fabric, it looks like a store display!
    We are deeply into Spring right now in the Southern Hemisphere, thankfully. The days are longer and warmer, all the flowers are in blossom, mostly, and the roadsides look beautiful with a colourful patchwork of wild flowers (and weeds!). So another sunny warm day in the low 20s C for us today.

  176. The weather is great here in Wisconsin -- sunny and unseasonably warm today!
