Saturday Stash Building |
Frosty Saturday morning following last night's full moon but the sun is out in full force, waking up the garden. Even the golfers are out across the way. And yes, with the start of the golfing season, we can soon anticipate a fabulous golf ball harvest from aimless golfers who whack countless golf balls into our field. If only golf balls were made of something valuable like silver bullion or something, we would be RICH!!!
Husband and I went down the hill for groceries. We parked, noticed the oddly bunched seagulls in the parking lot, stepped out of the van and were immediately blown about by the wind. It took our breath away. OMG! Talk about windy! We are very sheltered up here at the farm and do not notice the wind at all. We stopped at the veggie shop, which is right in the middle of farm land. Checked out the pruning of the blueberries at the big blueberries farms and then off to the thrift store. Got Husband a coffee so that he could keep busy while I was in the thrift store. Poked around the thrift store. Found some treasures. And then off to the fabulous local quilt shop. Husband was being very indulgent today. He has the patience of a saint.
At the quilt shop it was buy one get one free bolt ends. Seriously, too much fun for words! So I added a nice selection to my stash. Some owls from Deb Strain's Love U, Frolic by Sandy Gervais (Husband said... clown fabric. I don't think he liked it but I do!), Simple Abundance by Bonnie and Camille, Habitat by Michele D'Amore for Benartex and finally more than a metre of Glace by 3 Sisters which will be used in the new couch quilt. My current work in progress. When I left the shop, apparently I was skipping. Yes, I was that happy. Husband shook his head. He just doesn't get the whole fabric thing but at least he puts up with my fabric addiction.
The bird count on the drive home was high. 3 bald eagles, 1 large hawk and about 40 swans. The eagles were having a heck of a time with the wind. The swans were just parked in a field. Blinding white in the sun and the size large dogs. The mountain peaks were covered in snow and showing off against the blue sky. We do live in a beautiful part of the world.
Daughter is back at university and is freezing with -20 (celsius) temperatures. She experienced no mishaps on the drive back. No near death experiences. But she did forget her purse at home and had to double back for it. Miss Forgetful or what?
backyard snowdrops today! |