It is Remembrance Day in Canada today. We had the day off school. I would have spent the day with a lot of sewing time but the wind kicked up and then we were without power for several hours. Anyway... before the power went out, I did get the back made for this quilt and it sits basted and ready for quilting.
The blocks up top are bee blocks for Toni. For the month of November, Toni asked for red white and blue with a touch of grey for a July quilt using Cluck Cluck Sew's tutorial. I already have these blocks in the mail and feel pretty good about that. I realized after they were in the mail that I did not follow the tutorial. I am so programmed with making wonky stars that I did just that. My points are pretty uniform so I hope they work for Toni.
And then when the power was out, I spent some time reading. We have a curved piecing workshop coming up at my guild so I am getting a little excited!
I also have this pile of Michael Miller Cotton Couture staring at me for the MQG challenge. I ordered some extra solids and they took FOREVER to get here. Like a month from ordering to delivery. Seriously.
Don't forget about Sew Sister's Blogathon Canada if you are a Canadian Blogger. You can read all about it and about all the awesome sponsors over here. Linking up with Lee at Freshly Pieced for Work in Progress Wednesday.

where did you find the MM cotton couture? I've almost given up doing the challenge due to problems sourcing.