Monday, June 2, 2014

I am a fabric enabler... fair warning!

1.  I just so happened to be in touch with someone through our quilt guild who wanted to get rid of some Katie Jump Rope... eeek!  So I helped her with that.  Couldn't let her be stuck with these, could I?

2.  At our quilting coffee meet up, I just happened to mention that I had added to my stock of Timeless Treasures black and white striped binding fabric and before anyone could say, "Bob's your uncle."  A group order was being placed for that very thing.

3.  And just in case you need to fix your fabric stash, Fabric Spot has a surprise sale going on from now until midnight Friday, June 6 EST.  20% off the fabric goodness excluding sale items, clearance, pre-cuts and gift cards.  1/2 yard minimums.  Have some fun people!


  1. How wonderful you stumbled across some KJR! It was out of print when I started quilting but I do have a couple of small scraps.

  2. Is it too late to get in on the black and white binding fabric? I'd love a metre or two! See you at the meeting!

  3. I call all people who work in quilt shops, "enablers" and one said to me," And Proud of It!" LOL!

  4. How nice of you to help someone out...hehe ;)

  5. Oh you! I just ordered more DS fat quarters on Ebay..... you ARE a strong influence....just not a bad one. you usually steer us in the right direction. Will check out the sale.
