Wednesday, May 30, 2012


Impossible to do with out.  Totally my favourites.  Rotary cutter.  Hera marker.  Stitch ripper.  I have had my rotary cutter for ages.  It doesn't even have the newer ergonomic shape but it fits in my hand and feels right.  I just discovered my Hera marker last year and I use it a lot for marking quilting lines or diagonals for half square triangles.  It is so handy!  And what can I say about the stitch ripper.  Hmmm.  It gets a lot of use if you know what I am saying.  I would be growing a Pinocchio nose if I said it doesn't get used much!  

What about you?? Any favourite quilting tools out there?  Have a super evening!

more clematis flowers

future blueberres!!!!!!


  1. Couldn,t live without my cut rite bind up tool for bindings. I have a tute on my blog if you're interested.

  2. I have never seen a Hera marker....might have to check that out!

  3. My rotary cutter is just like yours--not ergonomically-correct or anything, and older than most of my kids. :o) Till death do us part....

  4. Same rotary cutter as you - indispensable! as well as the rulers!

  5. What is this Hera marker?! I've never seen one and am ever on the lookout for things to make quilting easier. I have the same rotary cutter, I have had it forever!

  6. Apparently you've thrown us all for a loop with this Hera Marker doodad. I'll definitely be checking it out the next time I visit the quilt shop or Joanns!

  7. Ya, me too....intrigued about that Hera marker thingie...

  8. Never heard of a Hera marker. How do you mark diagonals with it?? confused.....
