Saturday, June 8, 2013

Just so you know...

"go away spam comments"

I have had to turn word verfication on because I have been getting hit pretty hard with very poorly written spam comments.  So when you go to leave a comment you will have to type in the computer generated nonsense word or two that pops up to prove you are a real person.  Sorry!  Seriously, spammers, at least make the comments make sense!  Hopefully I can turn the word verification off again in a little while but for now, the walls are up.  Take that spammers!

Oh... this little guy was carved by my Dad and sits in the crook of the giant maple tree that is the centre piece of my Mum's back deck.  And he doesn't like spammers either!  Have a super day! I am off to the sew in!

EDITED:  Lucy suggested this.... "Turn off anonymous comments and then moderate comments older than a week - it works for me!"  

So that is what I am going to do!  Thanks Lucy!


  1. When I was inundated spam I turned off anonymous comments and don't get any now - have you tried that? Love the little guy :)

  2. I was going to say the same thing : ) hope your spammers buzz off!

  3. Oh no!!! PLEASE DON'T!! Turn off anonymous comments and then moderate comments older than a week - it works for me!

  4. I too have been hit hard so now I turned on moderate so I see the comments before they are posted , see if that works and hopefully in a while I also will be able to go back to normal. Love the carving !!

  5. i took off anonymous and that solved my problem

  6. I noticed the creepy spammer, hope they all go somewhere else!

  7. Tree dude for no spammers is cool! Love the blue eyes!
    I get a few from time to time, but I can't complain about the way they type in a comment, I'm not much better at my own posts.

  8. Bummer! Glad you found a solution though. I disallow anonymous comments and don't moderate anything, and only very very occasionally does a spammy one get through.
