Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Please welcome... Daisy Marie!

 Look what I found!  I have been wanting a Singer Featherweight for some time now and I have been lurking on Craigslist.  Looking for just the right one.  My dear Mum had also told everyone she knows that I was in the market for one.  And then it happened.   I remembered to have a peek at Craigslist because I had not looked for a bit.  There she was!  Just waiting for me to come a get her!  In working condition. Not too far from home.  With all the crazy gizmos.  Including what appears to be the original packing tag.  And a great price.  I am currently jumping up and down.  I tried her out and the lady couldn't get her to work nicely. She kept jamming up.  I offered $40 less and she was mine.  I have named her Daisy Marie.  Daisy because she just looks like she should be called Daisy and Marie because the original owner's name was Marie.  The grandmother of the lady I bought her from.  I have to say that  this was another one of those... "start the car" moments just like in that Ikea commercial.  I actually said, "start the car!!!!" to Husband.  He laughed.

When we got home last night, I opened up the instruction manual and realized that the lady was not threading her the right way.  I changed the needle.  Wound a bobbin with nice Aurifil and she worked!  Then I oiled her in all the spots.  Tweaked the tension a bit and she just hums!!! It is just so exciting.  I had to get a new light bulb too.  Over the moon!  Husband was a little worried that my Janome would be jealous but I think they have great mutual respect!

So Daisy Marie will be trucking around with me to sew ins and Janome can stay home and relax.

My face hurts from smiling!  Linking up with Cindy for Random Thursday because a sewing machine named Daisy Marie is just a little bit random!


  1. Daisy Marie is seriously beautiful! I am so jealous! :-)

  2. I am jealous too , I learned to sew on a featherweight and would love to own one , maybe someday .enjoy !

  3. What a find!! They sure don't make them like that anymore….

  4. Congratulations!! Start the car, indeed!

  5. Oh WOW, I am jumping up and down with excitement for you, how exciting, you scored big time, she is beautiful,

  6. gorgeous! i just got one a week or two ago, too! so lucky you found it for a deal, yay! oh you're going to have SO much fun with her. congrats!!

  7. She is gorgeous! Congratulations!

  8. Yay! Shes a beauty! I am so happy for you!

  9. Oooh lucky find, welcome to your new fabulous home Daisy Marie!!

  10. Oh you lucky lady! She is beautiful!

  11. You bought a NICE one! I have one too, but have not had time or taken the time to sew on it. I better get that out and do somethng with it! If you don't know what year it was made, you can tell by the number on it and I think the list can be found on the internet.
    Have Fun with Daisy!

  12. I have two black ones and one celery green--they are the BEST machines!! You will absolutely love her. And what a lovely name!

  13. Oh, how exciting! I'm going to start the hunt for one as soon as we move next fall.

  14. Congratulations on your new/old machine! I've had a featherweight for many years and love, love, love it. Your husband is right, the Janome might get jealous!

  15. i am so glad you found the perfect machine! I am going to work on mine some more and maybe even keep her!
